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ADR Training

ADR Training

Fremantle are pleased to offer ADR training remotely and in the classroom. Courses are ran with the zoom platform and you will need to complete your examinations at one of our sites. 

ADR Driver Training - The Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (CDG), require the driver of any dangerous goods carrying vehicle, over certain thresholds, to undertake vocational training (ADR Certification) and in all cases to undertake training corresponding to their duties.


   All examinations are carried out online, so you receive immediate results and your ADR certificate faster

Fremantle Training & Transport Ltd provide Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), approved ADR driver training at our centres in Weston Super Mare near Bristol and in Plymouth, we can also provide nationwide on-site training for 3 or more candidates.


Candidates receive training in the following areas: Fire, First Aid, Vehicle Documentation, Vehicle Equipment, Emergency Procedures, Hazards of Dangerous Goods, Security of Loads, Loading and Unloading of Dangerous Goods in Packages and Tankers.

Full Initial ADR Certification - Includes the 7 general classes, dangerous goods in packages & tanks. Duration: 5 days
Packages Only Initial ADR Certification - Includes the 7 general classes, dangerous goods in packages. Duration: 4 days
Tanks and Class 3 ADR Certification - Initial 3 days, Refresher 2 days

Refresher courses and training for specific requirements are also available please contact regarding the number of days required and dates available.

You get up to 14 hours (2 days) free towards your Drivers CPC on ADR training courses, you can add an extra 7 hours at a discounted price of £30.00 + £4.25 VAT. 

If you require any further information please contact us on 01803 293344

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